Frequently Asked Questions
Is the University hosting events this semester?
Yes, events on campus have resumed. Please keep an eye on the University’s Events Calendar and social media for any events that may be planned during the semester.
Are visitors currently allowed on campus?
Yes, visitors are allowed on campus but are asked to complete a self-screen prior to coming to campus. This includes checking for symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure of someone with a confirmed positive case.
For full details and instructions for what to do if you have symptoms or have been exposed, please review the COVID-19 Guidelines for Fall 2022.
Will I get updates?
Yes, please continue to check your email, the University website, and social media for regular updates.
Are there outside resources available to help me, or how can I lend a hand during the COVID-19 crisis?
Visit the ALTogether website (, a one-stop-shop where Alabamians can ask for help or lend a hand during the COVID-19 crisis. This response effort is designed to connect businesses, nonprofits, and people that need help with the right program partners – and to connect program partners with people and resources to help those most in need.