On Thursday evening, October 28, a new Honor Society in Interdisciplinary Studies was begun through the Charter Induction of 15 new student members and 7 faculty and staff from Athens State University. The ceremony was held in the Chapel of Founders Hall, in the tradition of beginnings of so many other important groups that continue to be part of campus life. After the ceremony, officers were elected. They are President Kayren S. Howton, Vice President Kathi D. Yarbrough Carr, Secretary, Zoey Sellers, and Treasurer Morgan Ann Forsman. Faculty sponsors are Dr. Debra Baird and Dr. Joe Delap.
The Alpha Iota Sigma Honor Society is an international group that promotes the benefits of interdisciplinary work; provides a forum to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among students, faculty, and community members; investigates and encourages methods of interdisciplinary learning; enhances understanding and application of interdisciplinary knowledge among the general public; and creates a sense of community among interdisciplinary students and graduates of interdisciplinary programs. Students are involved in academic scholarship and community service, as a means of serving the greater good.
Student inductees were Kimberly Beck, Toni McClendon Bishop, Kathi D. Yarbrough Carr, Morgan Ann Forsman, Latoya Mowatt-Green, Amber Holloway, Kayren S. Howton, Rhonda Deon Moxley, Donna Perry, Zoey Sellers, Kristi Theilbar, Ella Grace Traynom, Earnestine Deloris Watts, Adam Willis, and Keenan William Worthington. Faculty and Staff inductees were Dr. Philip Way, Dr. Catherine Wehlburg, Dr. Joe Delap, Dr. Stephen Spencer, Dr. Debra Baird, Mrs. Nancy Croomes, and Mr. Barry DeVine. Some students attended by teleconference.