The Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Concert Series, presented by WYTM Country, will continue on Thursday, July 14 at 7:00 pm with a performance by The Quebe Sisters. The Fransiscos from Fort Payne, Alabama, winners of the Bluegrass Band category at the 2021 Fiddlers Convention, will open the show. The concert will be held at Athens State University in McCandless Hall.
With over 15 years of touring to date, The Quebe Sisters have delivered their authentic triple fiddle and three-part harmony sound to the concert halls and festivals of North America, Europe, and Russia. Grace, Sophia, and Hulda Quebe front an innovative Progressive Western Swing band of archtop guitar, upright bass, fiddles, and sibling harmony. The Dallas-based five-piece presents a unique Americana blend of Western Swing, Jazz-influenced Swing, Country, Texas-style Fiddling, and Western music. Innovation has led the sisters to channel the musical connection between danceability and emotiveness, combining old sounds with new feelings and old feelings with new sounds.
Tickets for the event are $15.00 for adults/$5.00 for children and can be purchased by visiting www.TVOTFC.org or calling the office of University Advancement at 256-233-8215. This concert is brought to you by our Platinum Sponsor, Redstone Federal Credit Union and our Silver Sponsor, PH&J Architects.
As part of the Athens Forever Bicentennial Series, this event is sponsored by the Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention Steering Committee, with funding provided in part by the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area, the Alabama State Council on the Arts, and the National Endowment of the Arts, a federal agency.