First-Year Faculty Experience

An Athens State University faculty mentor is an experienced and trusted faculty member who works with a first-year faculty member (a.k.a., protégé) participating in the First-Year Faculty Experience.  A faculty mentor serves as an available resource, a supportive and friendly guide, a respectful advocate, and an active listener for the protégé.


The Athens State University First-Year Faculty Experience will become a culture of mentoring faculty members culminating in the long-term success of all faculty members who have participated in the program.


The program provides a supportive framework for its new faculty members (protégés) to achieve success by strategically assigning mentors to protégés leading to a professionally trusting relationship.  Moreover, the First-Year Faculty Experience offers opportunities for protégés to interact across academic departments, colleges, and other university units through engaging, collaborative, informational sessions, and workshops.

Program Goals

  1. To help new faculty members acclimate to the Athens State academic, administrative, and physical environments.
  2. To understand the meaning and the execution of effective teaching at Athens State University
  3. To foster a relationship with a faculty mentor that should be free from scrutiny, creating a relationship in which a new faculty member has a sense of discretion when sharing concerns regarding general or specific aspects of the academic appointment
  4. To provide a forum through which new faculty members discuss how to promote student success
  5. To assist in the retention of good faculty members
  6. To establish a sense of camaraderie among the new faculty members across colleges and appreciation for members of the staff and administration
  7. To educate new mentors about the mentoring process
  8. To establish a desire among faculty to serve as a mentor or serve multiple times as a mentor.

Contact Information

Ronald Merritt Photo

Ronald Merritt, PhD

Professor of Mathematics, Department Chair, and FYFE Director

Members of the 2024-25 FYFE Cohort

Danielle Chouinard Headshot

Danielle Chouinard, CAS

Access & User Experience Librarian/ Assistant Librarian
Tammy Clemmons

Tammy Clemmons

Assistant Professor of Nursing (DNP, RN, CRNP, CNE)
Dr. Kevin Kelleher Headshot

Kevin Kelleher, DMA

Assistant Professor of Music Industry Studies
Michael Kranz Headshot

Michael Kranz

Instructor of Computer Science
Kendra Lee Headshot

Kendra Lee, PhD

Assistant Professor of Acquisition & Contract Management
Michael Phillips Headshot

Michael Phillips

Assistant Professor of Accounting
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Derrick Watkins, PhD

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Members of the Calendar Year 2025 Cohort

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Jessica Allen

Associate Professor of Psychology
  • Department:College of Arts and Sciences
Hannah Burchfield

Hannah Birchfield, Ed.S.

Master Teacher/Program Coordinator
Holguin Army

Lionel Holguin

Instructor of Computer Science and Information Technology, Veteran of the United States Army
Sergio Olivares

Sergio Olivares, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Homeland and Corporate Security
LaToya Patterson

LaToya Solomon, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Nursing (FNP-BC, CNS, MLT)
Jay Vick Headshot

Christopher Jay Vick

Master Teacher/Recruiter
Baoqiang Yan

Baoqiang Yan

Associate Professor of Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Department:College of Arts and Sciences