General Questions
What is a degree audit report?
A degree audit report (“or plan of study”) shows an unofficial summary of all completed and in-progress coursework organized by category (“blocks”) such as general education, pre-professional, major, minor, etc. The summary allows a student and their advisor to see what courses and other requirements are still needed to complete the degree/program.
Who can access Degree Works?
Degree Works is available to all degree-seeking undergraduate students via their MyAthens Self-Service account. Advisors, faculty, and selected staff have access to support students in achieving their academic goals.
Is the information in Degree Works confidential?
Yes. Like other student information accessed through MyAthens Self-Service, Degree Works is only available through a secure log-in. Advisors, faculty, and selected staff members having a legitimate educational interest will be able to view the information contained in Degree Works through their employee log-in.
Student Questions
When should I view my Degree Works audit?
You can view your audit at any time, but you will probably find it most useful for:
- Reviewing your progress with your advisor;
- Identifying courses that you still need during registration periods;
- Determining a projected graduation date;
- Making decisions about changing your major or adding minors.
Is Degree Works compatible with all web browsers?
For best performance, we recommend using Mozilla Firefox (PC or Mac) or Safari (Mac). Some compatibility and display issues have been encountered when using Internet Explorer or Chrome.
Why can’t I view my Degree Works audit?
It may be that the catalog year (the academic year you first took classes at Athens State) in your student record is before Fall 2011. At this time, specific degree audits can only be seen for students whose academic catalog year is Fall 2011 or later. Or, your student record may show you as a non-degree seeking student. Contact the Office of Student Records if you have questions about your catalog year or degree-seeking status.
Can I get official transcripts from Degree Works?
No. Degree Works only allows you to view an unofficial audit of your coursework and progress towards completing your degree. Official transcripts must still be requested through the Office of Student Records/Registrar.
Can I register for classes in Degree Works?
No. While you can identify classes you still need in Degree Works, you must still register for classes with the established procedures through your MyAthens Self-Service account. However, the MyAthens Self-Service Registration Dashboard does allow registration by accessing your MAP. Refer to the Knowledge Base for directions on how to register using your MAP.
Can I change my major or catalog year, or add a minor in Degree Works?
No. You must complete the Request for Change of Program link from your MyAthens Self-Service Student Profile menu.
Can I see my grades in Degree Works?
Yes, once grades have been processed at the end of a semester, you will be able to see them in your audit. Before grades are processed, in-progress classes will show a grade of “NA”.
Will my transfer work show up in the Degree Works audit?
Yes. Once your official transcripts have been received from other institutions you have attended and have been processed through the Office of Student Records, your transfer credit will appear on your audit.
Why isn’t my transfer work meeting a requirement in my audit?
There are several reasons why this might occur. The course may not meet a minimum grade requirement for your program. The course may not be recognized as equivalent to a required course. Or, it may be that all requirements have been met and this course is simply not needed.
Questions about course equivalencies should be directed to your advisor. Determining equivalencies requires a review and approval process which must be initiated by your advisor.
What if my information in Degree Works isn’t up to date?
There are many reasons why your information is not up to date. Degree Works is refreshed nightly – so if a change has been processed it may not show up until the following day. Or, it could be that some paperwork or process has not been completed, such as a grade change that is pending and the paperwork has not yet reached the Office of Student Records. You can always check with the Office of Student Records if you think your information is incorrect or not up
to date.
What is the “What If” function?
The What If function allows you to hypothetically change your major or minor and view the consequences. The What-If audit will show you what coursework is required for the new major or minor, what courses you have taken that satisfy requirements, and what courses are still left for you to take.
Can my advisor view my What If results?
No. Degree Works does not save What If results. Your advisor can only view the What If results if you work through a What If process together.