What are your hours?
We are open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Where is the Physical Plant department located?
The Physical Plant Department is located at 527 East Hobbs Street. This location is on the southeast side of the Carter Physical Education Building.
How do I submit a work order request?
In an effort to provide a better level of service relating to the Physical Plant department, we have partnered with the Academic Technology Services department and have developed a web-based format for requesting Physical Plant work order requests. You must email all non-emergency requests to maintenance@athens.edu to submit a work order to the Physical Plant Department.
I locked my keys in my office by mistake. How do I get in?
You should contact Athens State University Security and request their assistance.
I would like to have my office area, bookshelves, filing cabinets, and window sills dusted. Do the custodians do that?
Yes, this is included in their normal tasks.
How do I get my office painted?
Submit a work order to maintenance@athens.edu and if it is approved, this will be prioritized and scheduled.
How do I report facility problems?
If the problem is routine, submit a work order to maintenance@athens.edu. If it is an emergency, call 256-216-5341, 256-216-5342, or 256-216-5343.
What constitutes a building-related emergency?
An emergency is defined by the interruption of a building service that could result in significant personal or property damage, or when it interferes with a critical program or system. An emergency can be a roof leak, smelling of smoke or gas, an electrical circuit breaker “tripping out” in a classroom, a toilet running over, or a plugged toilet where there are no other toilet facilities available.
For emergency work requests, call 256-216-5341, 256-216-5342, or 256-216-5343.
How do I report an unsafe condition I’ve observed on the campus?
Unsafe conditions should be reported immediately to the physical plant maintenance office at 256-216-5341, 256-216-5342, or 256-216-5343.
How do I report pest problems?
Submit a work order to maintenance@athens.edu and the university’s contracted pest control vendor will be contacted by Physical Plant.
How do I report burned-out light bulbs?
Submit a work order to maintenance@athens.edu.