As a new student, you have submitted your application, been accepted, and now you are ready to begin classes.
Be sure to attend a New Student General Session put on by the Student Success Center and then schedule a one-on-one appointment with your success coach, both of these can be completed virtually. You see and make your appointment with your assigned success coach using the student tool Navigate.
Every student has a different starting point based on their applicable transfer courses for the major of choice.
It is important to understand where transfer credits fill specific requirements for the selected bachelor’s degree.
Depending on the major, this can drive the coursework selection for the first semester(s).
This tool shows core course requirements and indicates where transfer credits are applied.
It is important not only to know how to use this tool but also to understand how to read the information.
How to register for classes
How to plan future semesters
How to build a framework for critical steps: Items to consider for your major at Athens State.
The orientation guide can answer many common new student questions and orientate you to important tools and resources.
In your one-on-one session with your success coach common topics discussed that will be unique to you include the following, but may not be limited to only these:
- The overall plan of required coursework and credit hours referred to as a “plan of study”
- How previous credits will transfer to meet general education requirements
- Selection of different degree options and how previous credits will be applied (“What if” in Degree Works)
- Options to complete any gaps in general education requirements
- How the Curriculum Adjustment process works for transfer classes that may be applicable to the general education or major requirements that transferred as “general electives” rather than a specific degree requirement as shown on the Athens State Transfer Course Equivalency Guide.
- Navigating and using Degree Works to select classes for registration and how-to register
Be sure to use Degree Works to review course offerings and degree requirements. This tool will answer any questions about what is offered and in what teaching formats as you plan your future semesters.